Get your Quickbooks system connected to Eworks Manager in minutes

  1. Click on Tools > Settings in the main navigation bar. Next, Choose your invoice method from Invoice tab as QuickBooks and click Save.

  2. Click on QuickBooks tab.

  3. Click on Connect To QuickBooks button. A popup will open for QuickBooks and you'll be asked to login and authorise Eworks Manager.

  4. To authorise Eworks Manager, simply log in to your QuickBooks account by entering your email address and QuickBooks password.

  5. Click Authorise.

  6. Once authorised, you will automatically be redirected to Eworks Manager.
  7. Click on Sync QuickBooks Tax Rates to map your existing tax rates with QuickBooks OR create QuickBooks tax rates in Eworks Manager account.
  8. Click on Sync QuickBooks Accounts to create QuickBooks Chart of Accounts in Eworks Manager.
  9. Select appropriate default account codes for Sales, Payment, Account Payable, Expense.

  10. You are all ready for QuickBooks. Click Save to save your settings.